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Friday, April 5, 2013

How to fix the PC's 'blue screen of death'

(Photo: Nick Ut AP)

Fix the blue screen of death
Q. My computer keeps giving me the blue screen of death. Should I buy a new one?
A. The dreaded blue screen of death can often be an easy fix. The next time you get it, write down any error information it gives you. The big thing you're looking for is a number that looks like 0X######. Once you get it, search online to find out what the problem is. Microsoft has a list of a few common errors, too. Usually, the problem can be traced to malfunctioning hardware or a faulty driver. Fixing that is often cheaper than buying a new computer. You might not need to buy anything at all.
What is overclocking?
Q. My daughter says she wants to overclock our computer. What does that mean? Should I let her do it?
A. I would vote no. Overclocking means running a computer's components faster than the manufacturer recommends. Advanced computer users often do this to squeeze every last ounce of computing power out of their computers. The catch is that making a computer work harder makes it run hotter. That can drastically reduce the lifespan of your computer. To balance it out, you can invest in advanced cooling setups — but those can cost $100 or more. If you're really desperate for a performance boost, more RAM costs less and is a much safer upgrade. Use the Crucial Memory Scannerto find out what kind of RAM your computer uses.
Flash on an iPad
Q. I need Flash player to watch a video on my iPad. Where can I download it?
A. Flash doesn't work natively with the iPad and it never has. Many Android tablets and smartphones are also losing the ability to work with Flash. To get it back, you need a special browser that handles Flash. On smartphones, I like Dolphin. It supports Flash and has cool add-ons and tabbed browsing. As for tablets, check outMaxthon. It syncs across multiple gadgets, including your computer. Both work on Android and iOS gadgets, so it doesn't matter which type of mobile gadget you have.
Organize scanned documents
Q. I scan all of my medical documents. How can I organize them so I can find the information I want?
A. You've actually got a lot of options. Since scanned documents are usually just images, many photo editors and organizers will work. You want one that handles tagging. This allows you to put in information about a scan, like what procedures it covers, and then search for them later. Look into programs like digiKam or XnView. Those support lots of different files and can share them easily if you have to send your records to someone. Whatever program you use, be sure to tell the programs not to share your images to social media.
Recording on a tablet
Q. I take most of my notes in classes on a tablet. Is there any way to record the lecture so I have another copy?
A. Plenty of ways, actually. Simple recording apps like Dictamus will help you if you just need an audio file. I'd recommend an app like Evernote, though. Not only can you use it to take text notes, you can also record right from the app. Then, you can tag the note with the topics mentioned in the lecture and add other details. This will make sifting through the lecture easy when it comes time to study for the big exam. Evernote works on smartphones, tablets and computers, so you can sync your notes across all of your tech gear.

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