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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Here Comes Android Based Smartisan OS From China

The latest mobile platform has been designed with human experience and functional purpose kept in mind.   
  We have been hearing a lot about Mozilla's Firefox mobile platform, Jolla's Sailfish OS and even Samsung's own Tizen OS for smartphones, which will be launched later this year. But apparently, another platform has made its way into the market, called Smartisan. The brain behind the OS is Luo Yonghao, who is a self-taught ex-English teacher and also founded the blogging site and chairman, Redesign, a Chinese font studio.

According to Engadget report, the platform has been launched in China, where the demand for big-display affordable smartphones from Meizu, Xiaomi, UMI is higher than the demand for Apple iPhone devices.
Smartisan, Apple, Android, China, launch, firefox OS, Tizen 2.0, Samsung, smartphone

The Smartisan mobile operating system has been built with the intention to offer a more human experience with its interface, which can be seen in the platform images which clearly suggest that the traditional square icon style and grid layout have been discarded. But the company has reiterated that, it believes in the Apple's closed system set-up, that is capable of maintaining the quality control of the platform and by the looks of it, it seems Smartisan will adopt similar set-up.

The icons in Smartisan look futuristic in terms of design but apparently the company has retained its focus on making the icons functional. Smartisan is also planning to set-up its own app store, so that the reliance on Google Play store could be minimised to some extent.

“Smartisan OS speeds up the process by letting you zoom out to an overview of four home screens with 36 icons (or even up to nine home screens with 81 icons on full-HD devices), where you easily drag one icon from one screen to another without having to wait for the screen to switch, or without having to use a second finger to swipe to the next screen (as nicely implemented by at least HTC and Xiaomi). In the multi-home screen mode you can also select several apps from different screens and then place them into the same one.” the company was quoted saying during the launch event.

It remains to be seen whether the latest mobile platform can compete with the likes of Android, iOS and other platforms. And it will be interesting to see if the platform will be leaving the Chinese shores anytime soon?

(image source: Engadget) 

 EFYTIMES News Network 

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